
September 24, 2012

Muscle Monday & weekend update!

So my friends.... ( It has been an interesting couple of days...

I cant tell you how much fun the weekend was. Boss Man and I (the male equivalent of Miranda from The Devil Wears Prada) had a huge blowout...

He seems to think that just having a job is reason enough to be happy...

Me thinks differently....

I understand that the workplace is volatile right now, and, that it may take me time to find another position with another firm; however, I think that I could land another job in 2 weeks.

And I am TRYING! So if anyone knows of any jobs in the Greater Orlando area, fill me in.

The blow out seems to have arisen from the fact that I am not happy working all day every day (except Sunday) and decided to complain about the fact that I have followed this pattern through all of May, June, July, and August, with little or no help. I also think that it is unfair to say that someone should only have to work full time, (when in fact)  I have had to work easily more than 55-60 hours a week.

The fact that my management team has a poor hiring practices and seems willing (eager, almost) to pick up the first person who reply's to an ad, should NOT affect my daily life outside of my Scheduled work hours.  Yet I find it doing exactly that... I am on the phone with the call center in Houston, I get direct connected at all hours of the day on my days off, I have to deal with annoying calls from incompetent people who should never, ever, have been hired in the first place. And to top it all off, when they do decided to fire said person, I am stuck holding all the slack, and having to scramble and pick up all of the left over pieces of some God-forsaken nightmare.

I am and always will be eternally grateful to the company that I currently work for. They gave me not only a job, but by extension, my life back.

When you spend so long unemployed, looking desperately for a good job prior to unemployment running out, and you struggle day in and day out to try and find some means of self-worth daily life becomes hard. On the flip side it is Damn near impossible (unless you've been there) to envision the happiness that comes with the phone call and news that you have been selected.

I will owe a lot to my current place of employ, least of all the life's lessons I have picked up, but time has a way of changing the views through which you see life. Somethings become less important (just having a job) and others take a more prominent spot (empowering and bettering yourself), these are the gifts that time has blessed us with. And I fully intend not to waste my gifts.

I really do wish everyone I work with currently the best of luck. I am, however, going to be moving on.

I will update as details dictate, but when it happens, you will know it.



Joshua Michael Brickman by Jorge Freire



Hi-Res from VishStudio

Okay, this one is not technically 'muscle' but really, WHO THE F*CK CARES?

Adam Charlton 08/19/12

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