
September 6, 2011


Haven't been on in a couple of days. My last fall semester is under way (until law school, of course).  It is cool to keep thinking that I will, one day, eventually be done with school. All will work out in the long run. I am psyched. I find myself more and more tired each day. My heart seems to be causing more problems than normal. I really do just think that it is weak by nature. I would imagine that living in a less stress environment would help, but that's not in the cards right now. Wednesday and Thursday last week were spent under Marie's car, trying to drop the gas tank so we could change the damn fuel pump. If I ever see the term 'special tool' in a repair manual again, it will be too soon.  3 independent trips to 2 different auto places and it still took two days. Ended up having to drill out 2 rivets trying to get the damn heat shield off. Fun Times. Now I have to change the radiator in the escort, it is now leaking all over the place... Kind of need two cars with everyone working and going to school. I Have to get a new tire put on the Volvo tomorrow, it may explode if I do not, and I drive badly enough with out a blown tire. Got my two notices to appear in court set for October 24th. Unlawful speed. I was SPEEDING. Who the hell comes up with these titles? Makes me sound like some violent offender of some sort.  Marie's attorney finally got the request for a continuance faxed over to the judge, with only days to spare. I was going to email her and ask why she did not wait until the day before, but I decided against it. I keep finding myself wrestling with this whole situation. I know that she committed a crime, I know that she needs to be punished, but I find it all very wrong. It does not have the feeling of justice to it. I try to remain removed as possible from the situation, but I find myself more and more sympathetic to her and her entire family.  I told her about When I almost got with David, and I about stroked. Turns out not only is he dating her best friends daughter, but he has been for a couple of years, now. ARGH!!! I need to keep my mouth shut and my head shutter. I hope she does not say anything to any one, I would have to deny it, at least for his sake. I know Brad and Ruben would not tell anyone, but I am just going to keep my mouth shut from here on out. Ok, that is all for know. Time for my nightly call with Ms. Harper.

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